This Partnership for Cooperation for Youth decided to implement this project, in order to achieve the following Project
Objectives (PO):
-PO1. Improve youth’s learning quality, inclusion and wellbeing by including Emotional Management tools in the training
process.To achieve this objective, we will carry out 1 training course in Spain.
-PO2. Increase involved entities’ knowledge about the Emotional Management work with specific disadvantaged target
To achieve this objective, we will carry out 2 participatory visits, one in Hungary and one in Poland.
-PO3. Provide basic non-formal education tools on Emotional Management to youngsters and youth workers through the
Online Platform.
The Online Platform will compile information gathered during the 3 learning activities to create relevant new material. It
will include practical exercises.
-PO4 Raising awareness of the importance of Emotional Management and contributing to a high quality non-formal youth
education, especially targeting its decision makers.
-PO5. Supply other European youth workers and youngsters with new, enriched Emotional Management approaches and
To reach this objective, we will carry out a strong dissemination campaign.
For this project, we have planned 3 Transnational Meetings that will last 2 days each.
They will be attended by 2 youth worker Coordinators from each involved entity (a project and a dissemination
coordinator), as they play an important role for the correct implementation of the project, as well as for elevating the
project’s impact.
Three Learning Teaching Training activities are also planned for the correct accomplishment of the Project Objectives:
1- An 8-day training course in Spain about Youth’s Emotional Management.
The activity’s objective is to transfer the EM tools and approaches to the youth workers and young participants from
Each involved organization will send 10 participants (2 Online Platform Developers, 4 youth workers and 4 young people).
2- Participatory visit in Hungary:
The objective of this visit is to provide training on how to adapt and apply the Emotional
Management tools and practices to FoK ́s target group: young women (who suffer gender discrimination).
The organization findings and conclusions will be included in the Online Platform. For this reason, this visit will be
attended by the Online Platform developers (2 per entity).
3- Participatory visit in Poland:
The objective of this visit is to provide training on how to adapt and apply the Emotional Management tools and practices
to LAJA ́s target group: young people with migrant and intercultural backgrounds.
The organization findings and conclusions will be included in the Online Platform. For this reason, this visit will be
attended by the Online Platform developers (2 per entity).
In the three Learning Teaching Training activities we will invite associated partners from each country, who carry out
initiatives in the youth field, to participate in round tables. They will also help with the dissemination of the project.
As hosting organizations, each partner will be in charge of the organization of the Learning Teaching Training activity,
including all the preparatory activities.
In the three Learning Teaching Training activities we will use alternative learning methods, based on non-formal
education tools and resources.
Finally, we will create an Online Platform that will compile information gathered during the 3 training activities. It will adopt
a focus on the disadvantaged groups emotional management and explain key emotional management tools and
To reach the project’s objectives, we set some their specific Goals and expected Results:
-We will carry out training activities on techniques and approaches to foster youth’s emotional management.
-We will carry out training activities on techniques and approaches to foster disadvantaged youngsters’ Emotional
-We will combine the knowledge acquired during the training activities to create relevant new material for the Emotional
Management of disadvantaged youth and women, in an Online Platform.
-We will consolidate the new knowledge and skills acquired by young participants by applying them, while working with
the entities’ beneficiaries and communities.
-We will carry out internal workshops to further transfer the new methodology to the rest of the staff, young people and
decision makers.
-We will carry out a strong dissemination campaign at local/regional/national and international levels and multiplier events
to promote the Online Platform.
Mental health problems affect some 84 million people across the EU (over 1/3 of people in most countries). They can
have a wide-ranging devastating effects on people’s lives, even leading to suicide (1 every 40 seconds, globally).Young
people, women & disadvantaged groups are considered to be most at risk.
The most commonly diagnosed mental health diseases include depression, stress, anxiety and eating disorders;
symptoms include feeling sad, isolation, anger, substance abuse and suicidal thoughts.
The Health at a Glance Europe 2020 report noted that COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent economic crisis have
exacerbated the burden of mental ill-health, as habits significantly worsened: social distancing, confinement conditions,
lack of physical activities, etc.
WHO states that 3 out of 4 people suffering from major depression do not receive adequate treatment and total costs of
mental illness treatments are estimated at over 600 billion € in the EU.
Mental health awareness is increasing around the world and especially in Europe. Our partnership would like to help
prevent this burden and build a solid emotional base for young people.
Project’s Objectives:
PO1. Improve youth’s learning quality, inclusion and wellbeing by including Emotional Management (EM) tools in the
training process.
Providing an attractive high quality training course about Emotional Management (EM), responding to young people’s
needs, will bring them many benefits, especially to less favoured groups with difficulties in learning, integration or
PO2. Increase involved entities’ knowledge about the EM work with specific disadvantaged target groups.
Providing 2 participatory visits to transfer practical knowledge on how to adapt the EM tools for specific disadvantaged
groups. This enriched knowledge will appear in the Online Platform.
PO3. Provide basic non-formal education tools on EM to youngsters and youth workers through the Online Platform.
Online Platform will compile knowledge gathered during the 3 LTTAs, with practical exercises; contextualising the links
between cultural beliefs and emotional problems, between human behaviour, emotions and hormones; provide Key EM
tools to improve everyday life, work and learning (also for disadvantaged groups).
PO4 Raising awareness of the importance of EM and contributing to a high quality non-formal youth education, especially
targeting its decision makers.
We will conduct internal workshops on EM for young people, youth workers, entities and decision makers of the Non-
Formal Education (NFE) sector and other interested parties.
PO5. Supply other European youth workers and youngsters with new, enriched EM approaches and techniques.
A strong dissemination campaign of the Online Platform and the project results will target relevant youth and NFE
This project addresses the objectives of the EU strategy for Education and Training: Make lifelong learning and mobility a
reality; Improve the quality and efficiency of education and training; Promote equity, social cohesion and active
Regarding EU Youth Goals 2019-27, this project addresses:
-Mental Health & Wellbeing: directly providing tools, resources and strategies for Youth’s EM.
-Quality Learning: offering innovative EM knowledge and resources that can improve Youth’s (inter)personal, academic
and professional lives (mental health affects all everyday interactions).
-Inclusive Societies: training on how to work with specific disadvantaged young groups; & directly including participants
with fewer opportunities.
-Equality of All Genders: exposing oppressions suffered by Youth (including gender-based), their emotional
consequences and how to tackle them.
This project is tuned with the core actions from the EU Youth Strategy to “engage, connect and empower” EU Youth and
the EU Framework for Action on Mental Health and Wellbeing goals.
PO1 Improve youth’s learning quality, inclusion and wellbeing by
including EM tools in the training process.
The activity’s objective is to transfer the EM tools and approaches to the
youth workers and young participants from LAJA, FoK & PASOS. This
will be the responsibility of PASOS and its staff, who are experts in EM.
The knowledge gained during this training will be essential for the proper
development of the rest of the learning activities and the creation of the
Online Platform.
The activity will last 8 days and will take place in PASOS ́s facilities in
Cantabria, Spain. Each involved organization will send 10 participants (2
Online Platform Developers, 4 youth workers and 4 young people). A
total of 30 participants for the activity.
PASOS, as the hosting entity, will be in charge of the training
organization, including all the preparatory activities described in the
relevant question. They will invite their associated partners.
PO2 Increase involved entities’ knowledge about the emotional
management work with specific disadvantaged target groups.
The objective of this visit is to provide training on how to adapt and apply
the emotional management tools and practices to FoK ́s target group:
young women (who suffer gender discrimination).
The emotional management principles adaptations needed will emerge
from their youth workers’ daily work with young women. The organization
will recompile their observations, findings and conclusions and will
transfer them onto the rest of partner organizations, in order to include
them in the Online Platform. For this reason, this visit will be attended by
the Online Platform developers (2 per entity). Their profiles are stated in
the section “Participating Organizations”.
FoK will invite its associated partners (who carry out initiatives in the
youth field) to participate in the visit. They will attend using their own
resources, as they are not considered beneficiaries of this project.
FoK, as the hosting organization, will be in charge of the organization of
the participatory visit, including all the preparatory activities described in
the relevant question.
It is important to mention that, at the time of writing this proposal, there
was no way to know exactly what the findings of FoK will be, regarding
the needed adaptations of the emotional management approach, to work
with women. With this in mind, please note that the activity program
presented below was elaborated by FoK, in a tentative manner and
might be subject to change during the development of the project.
PO2 Increase involved entities’ knowledge about the emotional
management work with specific disadvantaged target groups.
The objective of this visit is to provide training on how to adapt and apply
the EM tools and practices to LAJA ́s target group: young people with
migrant and intercultural backgrounds.
The EM principles adaptations needed will emerge from their youth
workers’ daily work with. The organization will recompile their
observations, findings and conclusions and will transfer them onto the
rest of partner organizations, in order to include them in the Online
Platform. For this reason, this visit will be attended by the Online
Platform developers (2 per entity). Their profiles are stated in the section
“Participating Organizations”.
LAJA will invite its associated partners, who carry out initiatives in the
youth field, to participate in the visit; They will attend using their own
resources, as they are not considered beneficiaries of this project.
LAJA, as the hosting organization, will be in charge of the organization
of the participatory visit, including all the preparatory activities described
in the relevant question.
It is important to mention that, at the time of writing this proposal, there
was no way to know exactly what the findings of LAJA will be, regarding
the needed adaptations of the EM approach, to work with youngsters
with intercultural backgrounds. With this in mind, please note that the
activity program presented below was elaborated by LAJA in a tentative
manner and might be subject to change during the project’s
Our target audiences were selected according to the following characteristics:
*Relevant: Some of these target audiences are interested in emotional management and can be interested in applying the
new tools and methodologies developed in the project.
*Multiplying: some target audiences will be multiplying actors, with national and international contacts.
Given the wide range of stakeholders in Youth and non-formal education communities, a number of specific groups have
been identified as target audiences, for the project dissemination:
-Youth workers from a variety of organizations (At all geographical levels): we aim to make youth workers from other
organizations aware of the project outcomes and encourage them to learn the emotional management principles and
tools, and transfer them to other young people in their communities.
-Young people (At all geographical levels): we aim to increase their motivation to learn more about human psychology,
emotional management and mental health care. We want them to be aware of how to use the project’s tools and
resources, for their personal and professional development and with the free high quality didactic material (Online
Platform) empower them towards wellbeing.
-Associations that work with disadvantaged young people, NGO ́s and educational centres (At all geographical levels):
This multiplier target audience will increase the project’s impact, by sharing the project’s results and motivating their
youth workers to learn about the project’s topics and transfer them to other young people.
-General Young Public (At all geographical levels): This audience is strategic, due to the transferability of the emotional
management principles and tools. Our intention is to reach all people who might be interested in self-care and
improvement, by applying the principles of emotional management in their lives and passing them on to their peers.
-Organizations committed to mental health care (European level): Providers of services for young people with disabilities,
institutions dedicated to work with women, youth helplines dealing with victims of oppressions, organizations who work
with migrants, social services offices, educational psychologists, etc., who can help people to acquire innovative skills in
emotional management to help them on their journey to develop themselves fully as human beings or professionally.