MATH tools


“MATH methodologies and tOOLS for elementary schOOLS: MATH-OOLS 


Official project website


Project start date: 01-09-2018 

End date: 31-08-2021


This strategic partnership has been created to develop innovative tools to teach mathematics, in a more efficient, stimulating and successful way, for primary school students and making them more accessible to public education. These tools can be applied in countries seeking innovation, as well as in those that urgently need to improve their students’ performance.




“Mathematics Education in Europe. Common Challenges and National Policies” study by The Education Committee of the EU Mathematical Society (ECEMS), states that EU students often lack basic mathematical skills.


ECEMS, the TEDS-M and the Dutch Royal Academy of Sciences, throughout their studies, blame the insufficient teachers’ mathematical knowledge, especially at primary level, pointing out the need to enhance their mathematical and pedagogical content knowledge.

Current issues on Mathematics Education around Europe indicates that the right math foundations acquired at early age, help students to understand and manage reality, develop their skills and performance, throughout their academic and daily lives.


The EU Commission mentions in this study a number of measures to address the low achievement of students. Among them:

-Connection of mathematics with everyday life and

-Motivating students in education



Project Objectives:

  1. Several teaching techniques and resources that are used by STAMS, PASOS and SINDI will be researched.
  2. Development of pioneering pedagogical strategies regarding Maths, in Primary grades.
  3. Transmitting the produced pedagogical strategies to the Primary faculty.
  4. Boosting each country’s educational system, by invigorating the relationships and cooperation with educational institutions, at all levels (regional, national and European).



Expected project impact:



Better teaching quality, which in turn will make their students’ learning process more efficient; Improved research, innovation and linguistic abilities to work in international environments.



New tools and methodologies will put the participating organizations on the forefront of mathematics teaching.


Creating new methodologies and tools will give them the advantage of an innovative institution; this will reflect not only in mathematics, but in other subjects, too.


They will provide better service to math teachers (locally and nationally), who in turn will be able to improve their students capabilities, performance and grades (especially those attending public schools).


By familiarizing themselves with mathematics as a sociocultural knowledge, their students will improve their capacity for facing and solving daily problems.



Their mathematics teaching skills and methods will become more efficient and innovative; they will be able to inspire and stimulate their students to achieve their goals



Acquiring a strong mathematical foundation early in life will grant students an optimum academic performance, raising their confidence and reducing risks of leaving school.


The main activities in the Project include:

(a) We will carry out 2 transnational meetings, attended by 2 persons from each entity (project coordinator + dissemination coordinator):

-Kick off meeting in Spain. It was planned for September 2018, but we did it on December, since the Grant Agreement was not signed until the 22nd of November 2018.

-Final Meeting in Spain. Planned for July 2021.

-Mid-term meeting. It was planned at the end of the course in Spain according to the application so there is no budget associated, but could be also by Skype if the project coordinators don’t attend it. Note: Most NAs do NOT allow the inclusion of management tasks in learning activities, so probably the Skype meeting is the safest option.

(b) Intellectual outputs

Participants will acquire new mathematics teaching methodologies and tools; those will be transferred to primary school teachers, through the next intellectual outputs: a book, 15 didactic short films and an E-learning platform.


(c) Three learning activities:

Project activities:

*Two participatory visits (to Norway and Estonia) to exchange and transfer the best practices and math teaching methodologies of each entity. They will last 3 days each, with 2 teachers from each entity participating.

*STAMS will organize and lead a training period in Norway, which will be attended by 2 Spanish teachers. The aim is to comprehend methodologies and educational model used in Norway; so teachers can build upon the existing knowledge and evaluate their findings in situ.

*A 9 day-participatory visit to Spain, in which PASOS will transfer their best practices and methodologies and show the 12 participants the educational model functioning in Cantabria and Spain.


(d) Multiplier events:

Celebration of one conference per country that last one day and include a lecture, the presentation of the 3 Intellectual Outputs and a round table. 40 attendees per country, relevant stakeholders +  mass media.

  1. e) Other supplementary activities without specific budget:

e.1) Internal workshops: At the end of the project, each organization will hold an internal workshop to disseminate the results of the project, the tools and methodologies created and the intellectual outputs. Other entities will be invited to participate.


e.2) Meetings with relevant stakeholders (1 meeting per month): each entity will arrange meetings with the following stakeholders: Teachers, Representatives of primary schools, Authorities in the educational field (Councils, Ministries of Education, etc.), Teacher training centers and Public Authorities (state institutions and local governments).

They will be asked to disseminate the project and the intellectual outputs developed, to their network of contacts. We will ask them to help us establish an initial contact with new entities, to visit and disseminate the project, and if they wish to become involved in future partnerships.


e.3) We will carry out an on-line dissemination campaign involving the participation of main stakeholders to maximize the exploitation of the results and intellectual outputs.


Participant’s selection, preparation and recognition

Selection of Participants

The selection of participants is divided into 2 stages:

STAGE 1: selection of the coordinator and teachers listed on the application.

STAGE 2: After the project approval, teachers should be selected from the participating entities. They will participate in the participatory visits, being able to learn about the methodologies and tools currently used, as well as visit and hold round tables, with various educational bodies: governmental organizations, schools, etc. They will also contribute to the development of intellectual outputs.


Each entity will be responsible for selecting its participants, each of them will perform the following tasks:

-Dissemination of the Participants Call

-Support to candidates during the Call

-Selection of participants

-Notification of results

Participants Support and Preparation:

During the project, transnational activities are carried out in which the participating entities act as hosting organisations, responsible for the following tasks:

-Support to participants

-Accommodation and transport management

-Organize kitchen service and gather the participant’s special needs

-Definition of risk prevention mechanisms (safety and protection measures)


Sending organisations will be responsible for:

-Management of the participants’ transport tickets reservation.

-Management of insurance and European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)

-Language preparation

-Issuance of Europass Language Passport

-Pedagogical preparation.

-Preparatory meetings


-Language preparation: Each institution will be responsible for issuing, to each participant, the Europass Language Passport, to assess their English level. Additionally, classes/tools will be given to improve their English level and support in the provision of technical language, if necessary.


-Pedagogical preparation: the Dissemination Coordinators will provide the tools and knowledge necessary for the correct dissemination of the project during transnational activities, to which these coordinators will not attend.

Participants will have previous preparations about the project: the activities to be carried out by the participants, objectives, etc.


-Preparatory meetings: The project coordinator in each organization will organize the relevant meetings with the participants to prepare the project’s tasks.


Participants involvement and recognition:

After learning activities, teachers taken part on mobilities and the IOs creation should conduct the internal workshop.

We will issue the following certificates for participants:

– EUROPASS MOBILITY DOCUMENT (after the participatory visit to Spain)

– Europass Language Passport (each participant should get one before learning activities)

– Attendance Certificate (at the end of each mobility)


Dissemination campaign

We will use the following channels:

  • Website of the entities
  • Youtube (to upload the short films)
  • Facebook and Twitter (other social networks are optional)
  • Erasmus+ platforms (Results platform, eTwinning and School Education Gateway,)

These collaborating organizations for each country, among others,  will be helping us to disseminate the project results:

NORWAY: “Buøy school”, “International School of Stavanger”, “Norlight Education AS”.

SPAIN: “Estela de Zurita” Creative School, Montessori Educational Centre “Village Santander”, “El Molino” Special Education Center and “Vital Alsar” School, Department of Education, Culture and Sports in Cantabria, European Affairs Office.

ESTONIA: “Are Basic School”, “Sauga Basic School”, “Tori Basic School”.


-Information pills (1 per organisation, per month)

-Newsletter (1 per organization, for 2 months)

-Articles (1 per organization, for 2 months)

-Facebook account (1 account for the project) (2 posts per month)

-Round tables (2 mass dissemination to the target audience: 1 before the round table; 1 after the participatory visit) (Responsible host organisation)

-Meetings (1 meeting per organization, per month)



-Round tables (2 mass dissemination to the target audience: 1 before the event; 1 after the participatory visit) (Responsible host organisation)

-Meetings (1 meeting per organization, per month)



-Information pills (1 per organisation, per month) (1 mass dissemination to the target audience)

-Newsletter (1 per organization, for 2 months) (1 mass dissemination to the target audience)

-Articles (1 per organization, for 2 months) (1 mass dissemination to the target audience)

-Multiplier events (2 mass dissemination to target audience: 1 before the event; 1 after the conference) (Responsible host organisation)



-Success stories (creation of 3 success stories per organization, 4 publications of each story per organization)

-Information pills (1 per organisation, per month) (1 mass dissemination to the target audience)

-Newsletter (1 per organization, for 2 months) (1 mass dissemination to the target audience)

-Internal workshops (1 internal workshop per entity; 1 promotional material and 2 publications per organization, per month)

-Meetings with stakeholders (1 meeting per organization, per month)

Date: December 2018 according to the application (We need to choose 3 days within this period: from the 28th of February to the 4th of March 2019)

Objective: The aim of this participatory visit is to learn about best practices in teaching methods and the tools used by STAMS. In addition, we will meet other educational institutions who will also share with us their best practices and initiatives to improve education in Norway. This visit will allow us to get to know this country’s educational model and system in depth.


– Programing:

Day 1

9.30 – 11.00 Tour around the facilities and special equipped classrooms.

11.30 – 13.00 STAMS Presentation. Main educative actions, activities and program

they follow. The Montessori teaching methods and materials for Maths.

15.00 – 16.30 Questions and Answers about the morning presentation and debate

on learning, through everyday tasks and playing.

17:00 – 18.30 SWOT analysis of the educational systems in Norway, Estonia and

Spain to clarify the external aspects that constrain our daily work. Strong and weak points of each educational center..

18:30 – 19:00 Evaluation

22:00 Cultural Visit or Free time.


Day 2

9.30 – 11.00 Round Table about the emotional scope of teaching and learning,

specially for children at risk (special needs, minorities…). Parents will be invited.

11.30 – 13.00 Visit the Norlight Education AS. Questions and Answer regarding

innovative educational programs or methods.

15.00 – 16.30 Visit the International School of Stavanger (ISS). Questions and

Answer to their teachers, regarding the use of new technologies and mathematics.

17:00 – 18.30 VisitBuøy school – Public School in Stavanger. Questions and Answer

to their teachers, regarding the use of new technologies and mathematics.

18:30 – 19:00 Evaluation

22:00 Cultural Visit or Free time.


Day 3

9.30 – 11.00 Exchange of good practices about strategies to address

underachievement in maths, science and literacy.

11.30 – 13.00 Debate with external stakeholders and official institutions’

representatives about inclusion, linguistic diversity, interculturality and ITCs.

15.00 – 16.30 Round table for interested parents and teachers.

17.00 – 18.30 Final Evaluation and Closing

18:30 Cultural Visit and Free time.


– Participants:


-Noelia Ramos: Graduated in Teaching from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

-Lucía Fernández: Graduated in Teaching from the University of Cantabria.

Since both teachers will be responsible for the research during the training period in STAMS and will be actively involved in the creation of all intellectual outputs, their participation in all participatory visits is considered necessary. For this reason, the selection of both teachers was made before submitting this proposal.



Two teachers from each entity will participate.

Date: April, 2019 according to the application (Could we agree on 3 days within this period: from the 18th to the 28th of April 2019).

Objective: to know the best practices in relation to teaching methods, as well as the tools used, in this case, by SINDI. In addition, members of our strategic partnership will meet other educational institutions who will also share with us their best practices and initiatives to improve education in Estonia. This visit will allow us to get to know this country’s educational model and system, in depth.


– Programing:


9.30 – 11.00 Tour around the facilities and special equipped classrooms.

11.30 – 13.00 SINDI’s Presentation. Main educative actions, activities and program they follow.

15.00 – 16.30 SINDI’s lecture: “Best Practices of learning Mathematics, through daily life actions”.

17:00 – 18.30 Round Table “The Importance of creating an educative environment where families are involved” Some members of the Parents Association of SINDI will attend.

18:30 – 19:00 Evaluation

22:00 Cultural Visit or Free time.



9.30 – 11.00 Visit the Tori Basic school: Presentation of their facilities, activities and best or innovative practices regarding mathematics teaching.

11.30 – 13.00 Visit to the Are Basic school: Presentation of their facilities, activities and best or innovative practices regarding mathematics teaching.

15.00 – 16.30 Visit the Sauga basic school: Presentation of their facilities, activities and best or innovative practices regarding mathematics teaching.

17:00 – 18.30 Round Table: Exchange of Good Practices among SINDI’s management team and the visit participants and Discussion about the morning visits.

18:30 – 19:00 Evaluation

22:00 Cultural Visit or Free time.



9.30 – 11.00 Two different Maths class observation, at SINDI School.

11.30 – 13.00 Questions and Answers regarding the maths class observation.

16:30 – 18:00 SINDI’s lecture regarding new technologies, devices and digital resources used for teaching, especially mathematics.

18.00 – 19.30 Final Evaluation and Closing

19:30 Cultural Visit and Free time.

– Participants:


Noelia Ramos and Lucía Fernández



Two teachers from each entity will participate.

Date: March 2020 according to the application. New dates: 29th June to 8th July 2020


-Deepen into best practices on the methodologies and tools used by PASOS

-To exchange best practices between the participants and other Spanish educational institutions.

-To know the model and educational system in Spain and Cantabria

-Evaluate the book created during the project



Day 1

-Visit facilities of the activity. Presentation of security measures.

-Current status of the project: Activities carried out; Presentation of the agenda of the

participatory visit

-Dynamic activity to introduce participants

-PASOS Presentation



Day 2

-Presentation of PASOS best practices regarding teaching methods and tools used in primary

school classrooms.

-Group work: Elaboration of questions to be asked during the round tables.

-Lecture by the Department of Education, Culture and Sports of Cantabria, about the

Educational Model in Cantabria and other Initiatives. Invited Speaker: Mercedes Cruz.

-Round table discussion with the Department of Education, Culture and Sport of Cantabria to

exchange good practices with the participants of the “MATH-OOLS” project.


Day 3

-Visit to the Creative School of Zurita. Presentation of its activities, “experiential learning”

project, didactic material and tools developed by the entity.

-Round table discussion for the exchange of good practices with the centre’s management

team and the participants of the visit.

-Presentation by the Office of European Affairs on projects developed to promote

educational quality. Invited Speaker: Montserrat García Ortiz, Director of European Affairs.

-Round table on Erasmus+ opportunities in the field of education with representatives of the

European Affairs Office.



Day 4

-Review, study and evaluation of chapters 1,2 and 3 of the book

-Discussion: Analysis of the evaluation results of this chapter.

-Daily Evaluation


Day 5

-Review, study and evaluation of chapters 4,5 and 6 of the book

-Discussion: Analysis of the evaluation results of this chapter.



Day 6

-Visit to the Special Training School of “El Molino” and “Vital Alsar”. Presentation of its

activities and initiatives to improve educational quality.

-Visit to the educational center of Montessori Village Santander. Presentation of Montessori’s

educational activities and methodologies.

-Round tables with each entity to exchange best practices with the centre’s management

team and the participants of the visit.



Day 7

-Review, study and evaluation of chapters 7,8 and 9 of the book:

-Discussion: Analysis of the evaluation results of this chapter.

-Cultural visit:


Interpretation Museum of the Pasiegan Valleys

Visit to the sobaos and quesadas factory with didactic walk

Tasting of typical products of the area




Day 8

-Review, study and evaluation of chapters 10,11 and 12 of the book:

-Discussion: Analysis of the evaluation results of the previous session

-Difficulties and challenges in our entities to continue promoting quality education

-Reinforcement of regional and EU partnerships with partners working on the same issues



Day 9

-Review, study and evaluation of chapters 13,14 and 15 of the book:

-Discussion: Analysis of the results of the evaluation of the previous session

-Teamwork to define new initiatives to promote educational quality (future KA2 projects).

Presentation of the initiatives.

-“MATH-OOLS” Next Steps: Future Activities

-Final evaluation

Day 10

-Farewell, certificates’ delivery.

-Return home

– Participants (profiles stated in “Participating Organisations”):


Oscar Argumosa

Carmen Solla

Lucía Fernández

Noelia Ramos



Salim Øndes

Javier Alejandro López Ruiz



Ain Keerup

Silva Sikk


Two teachers from STAMS and SINDI will be also selected after the project approval.

Date: Agust 2019 according to the application. You need to choose 30 days  from July to August 2019

– Objectives:

-To deepen into the methodology, educational model, curricular capacities, etc. in STAMS

-Acquire knowledge and skills from PASOS for the creation of new tools and methodologies,

testing and validating their effectiveness, in situ.


During the mornings, taking advantage of the students’ presence, PASOS

teachers will be able to observe the teachers’ work when giving their classes, their good practices, tools and methodologies used. They will also be able to learn more about the educational model, strategies and other relevant data, through meetings with the staff of the different departments (Directorate, Human Resources, etc.).


In addition, during the stay, the teachers of PASOS and STAMS will test the methodologies and tools created by the participating entities, with primary school students.

During the afternoons, taking into account that students are not in the school, teachers from both entities will analyze the results of the morning tests and make appropriate corrections.

They will work, collaboratively, to create new tools and methodologies.


Therefore, the structure of the activities to be carried out day by day is:

9:00 – 11:00: Period of observation of primary teachers in STAMS and of acquiring good

practices, tools and methodologies in the classroom.

11:00 – 12:00: Conducting tests of the tools and methodologies created.

12:30 – 13:00: Meeting with various members of the school (teachers, coordinators, directors, etc.) to learn more about the educational model, curricular skills, roadmap, strategies, etc.

14:00 – 15:00: Analysis and discussion of the results of the tests of the methodologies and tools carried out in the morning.

15:00 – 16:00: Carrying out the pertinent corrections.

16:00 – 18:00: Collaborative creation of new tools and methodologies for teaching



The person in charge of coordinating the training and all planned activities is:

Salim Øndes


PASOS teachers who will be involved in this training period are:

-Noelia Ramos and Lucía Fernández


-Salim Øndes will be the project coordinator. He is STAMS principal/rector and he is

responsible for managing the major administrative tasks and supervising all students and teachers.

-Javier Alejandro López Ruiz will be the dissemination coordinator. He made his AMI studies of the Montessori Methodology for ages 12-18 and 3-6 diplomas. He is currently working on the 6-12, in STAMS.



-Oscar Argumosa: he coordinates a Master on Emotional Management and has coordinated more than 30 European projects. He will be the project coordinator in this project.

-Carmen Solla: Coordinator of the International Area of PASOS. She worked for Save the Children, designing and supervising different projects to promote interculturality and sustainable education. Author of 2 publications of Inclusive. In this project, she will be the dissemination coordinator.

-Lucía Fernández: PASOS president, graduated in Teaching, specialized in values education, group functioning and constructive conflict management. She will participate in the mobililities.

-Noelia Ramos: Diploma in Teaching, with specialty in Music Education. She has 15 years of experience as a primary teacher at CEIP Sansueña. She provides experience as a teacher in the Ministry of Education of the Community of Madrid.

– Nacho Bonachea is a graphic designer and illustrator. He will design and edit the book and developing the e-platform.




-Mr Ain Keerup, the school’s headmaster, will be the project coordinator.

-Silva Sikk will be the dissemination coordinator. She is an English teacher.


Note: See also the associated partners or collaborators from each country.

O1: Book MATHEMATICAL INNOVATION for Improving Performance in Early Childhood Education

A book (80 -120 pages) will be published for teachers. Index:


Chapter I. Introduction.

I.I History of numbers.


Chapter II. First level of development. From 0 to 10.

II.I Numbers writing.

II.2 From 1 to 10.

II.3 Number and quantity.

II.4 Odd and even.


Chapter III. Second level of development. Introduction to the decimal system and arithmetical


III.1 Golden Bead Material. Introduction to the decimal system.

III.2 Stamp game. Decimal system and operations.


Chapter IV. Numeration.

IV.1 Teens board. Constructing the number of two figures.

IV.2 Linear count.


Chapter V. Memorization.

V.1 Memorization tables.

V.2. Memorization games.


Chapter VI. Hierarchy.


Chapter VII. Analysis of the square.

VII.1 Binomial: the square of a sum of two addends.

VII.2 Trinomial: the square of a sum of three addends.

VII.3 Decanomial: ten addend addition


Chapter VIII. Common fractions

VIII.1 Introduction.

VIII.2 Writing.

VIII.3 Equivalences.

VIII.4 Operations:

VIII.5 Types of fractions.


Chapter IX. Decimal numbers.

IX.1 Introduction.

IX.2 Quantity.

IX.3 Symbol.

IX.4 Union of quantity and symbol.

IX.5 Operations:

IX.6 Conversions.


Chapter X. Study of multiples.

X.1 Introduction.

X.2 Minimum common multiple.

X.3 Maximum common divisor.

X.4 Divisibility


Chapter XI. Study of the powers.

XI.1 Introduction.

XI.2 Square and cube of numbers.

XI.3 Power of 10.


Chapter XII. Square root.

XII.1 Binomial and trinomial producer.

XII.2 From the real square to the symbolic square.

XII.3 Square of a binomial.

XII.4 Square of a trinomial.

XII.5 Cross multiplication.

XII.6 Concept of square root.

XII.7 From a square to the next.

XII.8 Square root with golden material.

XII.9 Square root with hierarchical material.


Chapter XIII. Cube root.

XIII.1 Introduction.

XIII.2 Cubic root.

XIII.3 Cube of a binomial and a trinomial.

XIII.4 Cubic root of a binomial.

XIII.5 Abstraction to paper.

XIII.6 Cubic root of a trinomial.

XIII.7 Abstraction to paper.


Chapter XIV. Percentage.

XIV.1 Introduction.

XIV.2 Simple interest.

XIV.3 Capital, time, interest rate.


The book will be translated and laid out in 4 versions in: English, Norwegian, Spanish, Estonian.

With this book, teachers will be able to teach mathematics in a dynamic and efficient way,

taking into account that mathematical initiation must be a lived and experienced mental

construction, step by step. They will have tools, methodologies and manipulative materials

that will allow their primary school students to achieve a progressive assumption of

mathematical concepts, to achieve a mastery of them, in everyday activities and academic

life. The book will comply with the “Basic Principles of Mathematics Learning”.


Task distribution:

Leading organisation: PASOS

The writing of the interactive book will be collaborative.


Teachers of the participating entities will carry out an in-depth investigation on the methodologies, tools and best practices carried out, both in the participating organizations and in other exemplary institutions of their countries. To carry out the research correctly, there will be different participatory visits to each country. Prior to and during the training period, the tools and methodologies will be developed and tested by teachers from PASOS and STAMS at STAMS facilities, during this period.

SINDI will conduct reviews of the results when evaluating the new tools and methodologies, giving their comments as experts.



All the new tools and methodologies created will be documented collaboratively. Google

Drive will be used to store the book versions.

Each entity will be responsible for reviewing the entire book to validate its contents.



During the participative visit to Spain, the book will be evaluated and tested. This evaluation

will involve project coordinators and expert teachers. Other experts in the field of education

from other relevant entities from Cantabria will also be invited.

This task will make it possible to refine the book, according to the suggestions made.



After having carried out the relevant evaluations during the participatory visit to Spain,

teachers will proceed to make the necessary corrections, based on the comments of the

experts. The new changes will be validated and authorized by the entities of our partnership.




After having the final version of the book, each entity will translate it into its native language. Similarly, the English version will be published to reach the educational community throughout Europe.



Finally, PASOS will be responsible for the design and layout of all versions of the book in its different languages (English, Spanish, Norwegian, Estonian). The laid out versions will be validated and authorized by all participating entities.



O2: Didactic videos about mathematics tools and methodologies

Note: We had budget cuts in this IO. So we need to discuss how the cuts will affect to both the quantity and the quality of the videos.

Number of short films for the original budget: 15

Didactic short films will be made, where the teachers of our strategic partnership will explain

the mathematics tools and methodologies created and documented in the book.

The didactic short films will serve as a complement to the book, in order to facilitate the

understanding and implementation of methodologies and tools by teachers. Each short film

will be subtitled.

Short films alone will be able to transmit the entire educational content. They will be specially

designed to facilitate understanding and retention of the mathematics tools and

methodologies created.


Task distribution:

Leading organisation: Montessoriskolen i Stavanger AS

The creation of the didactic short films will be done collaboratively.



-Short film planning:  When defining the entities/persons who best suits to be a speaker in a didactic short film, the distribution of the didactic short films to be recorded will be carried out, maintaining a balance in their assignment.


-Elaboration of a script: The teachers who participated in the writing of the book, with the

help of the diffusion coordinators, will write the content of each didactic short film.

Each script will be verified and authorized by all participating entities.


– Recording the video: The didactic short films will be recorded and dynamically presented by the teachers who participated in the creation of the tools and methodologies.

Since they are short films in which the teacher will make the explanation in front of the

camera, it may be necessary to take different shots.


Each didactic short film will be of a short duration (less than 6 minutes per film).



The translation and subtitling of the short films will be done, in order to have 4 versions of

each short film in English, Norwegian, Spanish, Estonian.



The Filmora tool will be used for edition. Once the short films are edited, they will be validated and authorized by the project coordinators and disseminated among all participating entities.


O3: E-learning Platform

E-learning platform on the tools and methodologies created during the project will be developed, in order to increase the capacities and skills of teachers on how to teach solid bases in mathematics, to primary school students.

The platform will include a series of teaching units in English, Norwegian,

Spanish and Estonian, available free of charge, on the internet.


The E-learning platform will be self-directed, i.e. it will be based on the training proposed by the platform, which will include a set of interactive lessons (e-lessons), with the following features:

-Users will follow the course at their own pace and independently.

-The course will be structured in such a way that, despite not having an instructor, the established learning objectives are achieved.

-There will be no fixed schedule to access it.


The course material will be stored on a Web server and users (primary school teachers) will be able to access this material from the E-learning platform. There will be a pedagogical methodology for teachers to learn on their own.


Similarly, the platform will allow for asynchronous communication online (communication at different intervals of time), through a forum that will facilitate communication, the resolution of doubts and the exchange of knowledge and experience between learners. Users, who are primary teachers, will be able to exchange ideas about the course, share their knowledge, comment on the results after implementing the tools and methodologies learned in their primary classrooms, share success stories, etc. In this way, the success stories shared in this forum will serve as motivation for other teachers to access the content of the platform.


Task distribution:

Leading organisation: Montessoriskolen i Stavanger AS

The creation of the E-learning platform will be carried out collaboratively.



The educational references will be analysed in depth, in order to define the general contents of the e-Learning course, based on the specifications established. The next step will consist of carrying out the didactic journey, that is to say, the ordered and coherent structuring of the objectives and contents, grouping them in didactic units.

PASOS will support the participating entities as an expert in the definition of E-learning





Teachers who participated in the creation of the book and didactic short films, with the

support of PASOS, will define the pedagogical methodology to guarantee the quality of the platform.



The course will be provided with didactic material, complying strictly with everything developed in the two previous tasks. To this end, the teachers who participated in the creation of the book and didactic short films, with the help of the diffusion coordinators, will use these 2 intellectual outputs for the structuring of the course. A content document will be drawn up for each activity, containing all the information relating to it and the associated material.



Each participating entity will be responsible for carrying out the relevant translations, so that the entire e-learning platform is available in English, Spanish, Norwegian and Estonian.



The dissemination coordinators will proceed to the development of the E-learning platform, which includes a series of tasks:

-Domain definition and hosting assignment

-Definition of technical requirements of the platform: interface, functional, performance, safety, etc. requirements.

-Component creation: front-end, back-end.

-Add content: The content obtained in the previous activities will be added in all languages

(English, Norwegian, Spanish, Estonian)

-Validation and Testing: Integration tests will be performed to verify that the components interact with each other in an appropriate manner, after they have been integrated into a construction. Among the tests to be carried out are: load, usability, navigability, etc. In addition, tests will be carried out with teachers to ensure that the knowledge is acquired, in accordance with the previous planning and that the expected results are achieved.



Once the platform complies with all the tests and is validated by the entities that make up our strategic partnership, it will be launched.


We will build on the international standard for e-learning programmes “Open ECBCheck”, which contains a set of quality criteria for evaluating the design, development, management, implementation and evaluation of an e-learning programme, as well as the quality of educational material, methodology, media and technology.


E1: Conference for the dissemination of intellectual outputs in Norway

Date: May 2021 for the 3 conferences (Norway, Estonia, Spain)

The conference will have the same structure and duration in the three countries. The participation of 40 people is estimated, including press media.

The program will be similar to the following one:

9:00 – 10:00 Overview of the “MATH-OOLS” project

10:00 – 11:00 Lecture “Discovering beyond our borders”. By Salim Øndes, STAMS project coordinator. During this talk, it will be described the best practices in the educational environment carried out by: STAMS, PASOS, SINDI, Entities visited during participative visits.

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break and networking

11:30 – 13:00 Presentation of the book. Questions and answers session

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

14:00 – 15:00 Presentation and display of didactic short films. Questions and answers session

15:00 – 16:00 E-learning platform presentation. Questions and answers session

16:00 – 16:15 Sites for accessing to the intellectual outputs: Erasmus+ platforms, web pages…

16:15 – 16:30 Break

16:30 – 17:30 Round table “Opportunities and obstacles to further promote quality education in Europe”. Experts will be invited to make participants aware of the opportunities offered by various European Commission programmes to promote education in Europe. Experts in the field of education will also be invited.

17:30 – 18:00 Debate. We will open the round table to the audience present.

18:00 Closure

Conflict resolution and risk during the project implementation were evaluated in the application. We’ll comment only the solutions included in the Grant Agreement.


Poor, partial or late implementation

Poor implementation of the Project may be established by the NA on the basis of:

– The final report submitted by the coordinator;

– The products and outputs produced by the project;


A grant reduction based on poor, partial or late implementation may be applied to the total final amount of eligible expenses and may be of:

– 25% if the final report scores at least 40 points and below 50 points;

– 50% if the final report scores at least 25 points and below 40 points;

– 75% if the final report scores below 25 points.


Termination of the Contract

The Partner notifies the Coordinator immediately in case of appearance of any situation that may affect the performance of the Contract of Partnership.

The Coordinator may cancel the Contract of Partnership on the condition to preserve all rights for damages through a notification to the Partner.


Other reasons for termination are:

  • If the Coordinator decides that this Contract shall be affected negatively because of any negligence and/or late notification of the Partner,
  • In case of occurrence of the conditions specified under the article of failure to deliver the documents in Article 11 of this Contract or violation of any article of the Contract,
  • In case of occurrence of any of the conditions that shall require termination of the Contract which is set out in Article 2 of the Grant Contract in Annex 1, this contract will be terminated.






Summary video of the Training Course in Spain


Book “MATH methodologies and tOOLS for elementary schOOLS” (English version)
Book “MATH methodologies and tOOLS for elementary schOOLS” (Spanish version)
Book “MATH methodologies and tOOLS for elementary schOOLS” (Norwegian version)
Book “MATH methodologies and tOOLS for elementary schOOLS” (Estonian version)
Videos (English list)

Videos (Spanish list)

Videos (Norwegian list)

Videos (Estonian list)

1st Multiplier Event in Spain

Project Newsletter – Number 1